When you visit your local supermarket, you are likely to notice that the rice or coffee you buy comes from Southeast Asia. Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia are some of the world’s largest exporters of food products, with agriculture accounting for about 12 per cent of total GDP in 2021. According to the World Bank, 东南亚大约28%的人口(1.8亿人)从事农业. On the contrary, 新加坡和文莱缺乏土地和资源来发展农业,以满足其人口的粮食需求,需要进口来弥补差距. 因此,粮食安全是这些城市国家的主要关切,因为长期规划对确保粮食供应至关重要.

Rising threats to the resilience of Southeast Asia’s food production

Southeast Asia lags behind when it comes to sustainability and "green" eating. The region has mainly focused on industrialisation and economic growth. It is also home to many rural areas with low-income populations focused on farming, who can’t afford healthy or protein-based diets. By contrast, the European market is many years ahead of Southeast Asia in terms of alternative proteins, recycling, and green supply chains.

In recent years, the Southeast Asian agricultural industry has faced numerous challenges.

First, 气候变化破坏了粮食生产的稳定,对粮食安全构成新的风险. Second, as the Covid pandemic was stabilising at the beginning of 2022, the war in Ukraine began, pushing up commodity prices and increasing inflation. Third, urbanisation is pushing up demand for labour-saving technologies. Awareness in ensuring long-term food security, 东南亚经济体正在积极制定既可持续又负担得起的长期战略。在这一领域,乐博彩票官方app具有比较优势,并有机会在整个农业食品技术领域分享经过试验和测试的可持续发展实践.

Why Singapore is ramping up focus on food security

Strategically located, Singapore is consistently ranked as the world’s busiest port, and the world’s second largest trading hub for food commodities. As a small country, only half the size of London, most of the land is used for housing, industry, and transport infrastructure. 该国只有10%的粮食供应是当地生产的,其余的都必须从世界各地进口. 当疫情爆发时,新加坡人的生活受到价格冲击和进口禁令的影响. To add on, prolonged heavy rains and floods in the region have led to decreasing supply of vegetables. To mitigate the risks of further disruptions, 新加坡已经开始了一项雄心勃勃的计划,到2030年,国内30%的营养需求将由本地生产. 整个政府现在致力于动员私人和公共参与者,使新加坡成为一个安全和可持续的农业食品科技中心.

Singapore aims to become a global agri-food tech hub where new innovations can thrive

With one per cent of its land arable for food production, Singapore recognises the critical need for farms to maximise their output. This requires new innovations and enabling technologies. As of December 2022, 新加坡共拨款2.2亿美元,为农场提供资金,以扩大和优化其生产能力, and USD 23 million for R&D in sustainable food production.

As of now, Singapore is home to more than 30 indoor vertical farms, it’s an R&在全球五大食品和营养公司中,有四家位于伦敦,在香精香料和配料公司中排名前五. 新加坡是许多替代蛋白制造公司的所在地,也是世界上第一个允许销售人造肉的监管机构. 其他东南亚国家正在密切关注新加坡如何解决其食品安全问题,以期将最佳做法纳入自己的经济中.

Swedish agri-food tech companies can tap into several opportunities in Singapore

  1. Explore the R&D capabilities of local public sector institutes or private sector partners that can help jumpstart market trials for Swedish companies. 如果企业打算在当地生产基于生物技术的蛋白质或可持续的城市食品,如绿叶蔬菜或浆果,也有资格获得资助.
  2. Share best practises and monetise your technologies. 乐博彩票官方app在可持续食品生产和食品质量方面建立了最高标准之一. The same may not be said for Singapore, 由于对动物饲料和替代蛋白安全的监管还处于初级阶段. Swedish best practices and technological innovations for safe food, proper storage, 以及下游和上游的可持续食品生产,在新加坡开辟潜在的商业发展和咨询机会.
  3. Use Singapore as a testbed for Asian taste buds. 尽管乐博彩票官方app企业在健康食品和替代蛋白质方面走在前列, 要想打入亚洲或东南亚乐博彩票官方app,产品就必须符合亚洲人的口味. Since Singapore is a melting pot of races and cultures, it presents a good testbed for Swedish companies to understand the market, and recalibrate flavours, before committing fully to expand their business to the rest of Asia.

这篇文章是基于乐博彩票官方app代表团在新加坡作为国际农业食品周的一部分收集的调查结果. 乐博彩票官方app商务部向新加坡的主要利益相关者展示了乐博彩票官方app创新的农业食品技术解决方案, 同时让乐博彩票官方app公司了解新加坡对农业食品技术的坚定承诺,以及他们如何寻求合作和投资,以实现“30-by-30”目标.

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